Ruiz, C. E.; Vargas, R.; Castillo, L. & Cardona, D. E. (2015). El lavado de activos en Colombia. Consideraciones desde la dogmática y la política criminal. Bogotá D.C.: Universidad Externado de Colombia, 214 p.

Palabras clave


Cómo citar

Andrade Martínez, C. (2016). Ruiz, C. E.; Vargas, R.; Castillo, L. & Cardona, D. E. (2015). El lavado de activos en Colombia. Consideraciones desde la dogmática y la política criminal. Bogotá D.C.: Universidad Externado de Colombia, 214 p. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (15), 182–183.


The Universidad Externado de Colombia, with the support of the Presidency of the Republic and the Ministry of Justice and Law, published in June 2015 the first edition of the book 'Money Laundering in Colombia'. This text is part of the activities developed in connection with the consultancy on the subject, which was developed by Prof. Dr. Carmen E. Ruiz Lopez - Dr. Carmen E. Ruiz Lopez - Colombia's Attorney General. Dr. Carmen E. Ruiz López -principal researcher- and Prof. Dr. Renato Vargas Lozano -co-researcher who, remember, co-directs the Research Group in Criminal and Criminological Sciences "Emiro Sandoval Huertas" attached to the Department of Criminal Law of the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Sergio Arboleda-, with the collaboration of Daniel E. Cardona Soto and Laura Nataly Castillo Garay -research assistants-.


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