About the Journal

Focus and scope

The Journal Cuadernos de Derecho Penal, has a periodicity of two issues per year and publishes original articles evaluated under the modality of blind peers in the following areas of knowledge:

Criminal Law, Criminal Procedural Law, Criminology, Criminal Policy, Criminal Investigation, Economic Criminal Law, History of Criminal Sciences and International Criminal Law.

It aims to facilitate the dissemination of scientific knowledge developed within the institution, in the academy and in other scientific bodies at the national and international levels.

In compliance with its open access editorial policy, it does not charge authors for the submission, evaluation and publication of articles. All issues are open access and are available for consultation at: http://www.usergioarboleda.edu.co/cuadernos-de-derecho-penal/

Papers are only accepted under the following categories:

- Article resulting from partial or final progress of a research project.
- Reflection article. This is a document that presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author on a specific topic.
- State of the art or review articles. Defined by Colciencias as a document that systematizes and analyzes the results of published or unpublished research on a field of knowledge.
- Bibliographic review.
- Translations.
- Bibliographic reviews.
- Interviews.
- Jurisprudential commentaries.

All of the above, always framed within the areas of knowledge.

Peer review process

Process of arbitration, opinion or evaluation of articles. In order to qualify the papers in terms of form, content and compliance with publication standards, the texts will be submitted for preliminary evaluation by the Editorial and Scientific Committee, and subsequently, to two blind peers.

The process of review, opinion or arbitration of articles submitted to blind peers will be carried out according to the following indications:

- All original articles will be submitted for review by academic peers (specialists), preferably under the double-blind modality.

- For the review of articles, the anonymity of the authors of the texts in front of their evaluators will be maintained.

- The process of opinion or evaluation of the articles involves a preliminary examination by the Editorial and Scientific Committees in order to qualify the document previously in terms of form, content and compliance with publication standards; after this, the article is sent to two blind peers, and, once approved, it is sent to the authors to make corrections or recommendations if this is the case.

The document must be returned with the changes to continue with the editing process and, in case of controversy between the concepts of both peer reviewers, it is sent to a third evaluator; once this evaluator gives his opinion, it returns to the Editorial and Scientific Committees where the final decision of acceptance or rejection is made.

The final acceptance will depend on the modifications that the advisors of the Editorial and Scientific Committees propose to the author and the concept of each external peer reviewer. The Editorial Committee of the Journal reserves the right to introduce the necessary formal modifications to adapt the text to the publication standards. If the article is not approved in the preliminary evaluation or in the blind peer review, the authors will be informed of the decision with a brief explanation.

- In order to clarify and facilitate the qualification of the article, each peer reviewer will be provided with the opinion form used by the journal Cuadernos de Derecho Penal.

Open access policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that offering the public free access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge.