La garantía del traductor en el proceso penal y la traducción de documentos al idioma del procesado
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Right of defense
equality of arms

How to Cite

Rendón Londoño, J. A. (2019). La garantía del traductor en el proceso penal y la traducción de documentos al idioma del procesado. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (21), 195–248.


 When a foreigner is prosecuted in Colombia, the right of defense is satisfied by guaranteeing the presence of an appropriate translator during the proceedings. In the same way, in accordance with that which is established in criminal procedure, the documents that they want to present as evidentiary material elements or evidence, as the case may be, must be in Spanish as the official language of the action, and therefore, to present it in another manner, they must be translated. However, the question arises as to whether it is necessary to fully or partially translate the documents into the language of the defendant or only present them in the official language of the proceedings; hence the need to propose an academic or legal formula that will help, from the investigation, to give a possible solution to this problem of maximum interest for legal procedure.
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