La relación entre organización criminal, grupo criminal y asociación ilícita tras las reformas de 2010 y 2015 en España
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Analysis prototypical figure
Criminal organization
Illicit association
New criminal types
Reforms of 2010 and 2015
Spanish criminal legislation

How to Cite

Zurita Gutiérrez, D. A. . (2018). La relación entre organización criminal, grupo criminal y asociación ilícita tras las reformas de 2010 y 2015 en España. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (20), 77–110.


It is imperative the study and delimitation of the new criminal types
of criminal organization, criminal group and illicit association, referred to organized
crime, that have been incorporated into Spanish criminal legislation after
the reforms of 2010 and 2015. These criminal types, on the one hand, they are
similar and share converging elements with each other, but, on the other hand,
contain their own elements that differentiate them and what we are interested
in developing, seeking to carry out the demarcation between each of them, for
the purpose of proper application. In that task, will not be exempt from analysis
prototypical figures of criminal demonstration, like codelinquency and conspiracy, that pose problems similar to the previous ones and that will also be the
subject of research.
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