Israel, Jerold H./Kamisar, Yale/Lafave, Wayne R./King, Nancy J., Criminal Procedure and the Constitution of the United States, Leading Supreme Court Cases and Introductory Text, Gómez Colomer, Juan-Luis, et al. (Trad.) Valencia, Tirant Lo Blanch, 2012.
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How to Cite

Lago, M. J. D. (2013). Israel, Jerold H./Kamisar, Yale/Lafave, Wayne R./King, Nancy J., Criminal Procedure and the Constitution of the United States, Leading Supreme Court Cases and Introductory Text, Gómez Colomer, Juan-Luis, et al. (Trad.) Valencia, Tirant Lo Blanch, 2012. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (9), 197–201.


The previous government approved in its Council of Ministers of 22 July 2011 a draft bill for a new Criminal Procedure Law, which contained a far-reaching reform of criminal procedure, inspired by the pure accusatory system, known in the USA as the adversarial system. Its basic lines were to attribute to the Public Prosecutor's Office the direction of the criminal investigation, suppressing our traditional investigating judges, and to reserve for the judiciary the role of judges of procedural guarantees, in relation to the adoption of precautionary measures, inspection of the investigative work and the issuing of the judgment on the accusation.
and issuing the judgment on the accusation.
PDF (Español (España))


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