AA. VV: Damage and Judicial Reparation in the Scope of the Justice and Peace Law. Bogotá, Ed. Alvi Impresores Ltda., 2010.
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How to Cite

Díaz, C. L. (2010). AA. VV: Damage and Judicial Reparation in the Scope of the Justice and Peace Law. Bogotá, Ed. Alvi Impresores Ltda., 2010. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (4), 195–198. https://doi.org/10.22518/20271743.386


The special ordinary Justice and Peace process regulated by Law 975 of July 25, 2005, framed within the concept of the "Justice and Peace" Law. Law 975 of July 25, 2005, framed within the concept of transitional justice, is part of criminal policy through of transitional justice, is part of the criminal policy through which it is sought that, individually or collectively which seeks that, individually or collectively, members of Organized Armed Groups on the of Organized Armed Groups outside the Law (Grupos Armados Organizados al Margen de la Ley -GAOML-, to lay down their arms, reincorporate themselves into civilian life, contribute positively to the contribute positively to the reestablishment of peace, and that both the victims and society victims as well as the society that has suffered from their language of violence and barbarism and barbarity, obtain full reparations, so that they may fully know the truth and the the truth and achieve prompt and complete justice.

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