Solórzano Garavito, Carlos Roberto: Accusatory System and Oral Trial Techniques, reprint of the 3rd. ed., Bogotá, Ediciones nueva jurídica, 2010, 470 páginas.
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How to Cite

Duarte, L. C. P. (2011). Solórzano Garavito, Carlos Roberto: Accusatory System and Oral Trial Techniques, reprint of the 3rd. ed., Bogotá, Ediciones nueva jurídica, 2010, 470 páginas. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (5), 125–126.


The issuance of Laws 599 and 600 of July 24, 2000 marked a milestone in the study and application of criminal law in our country. In fact, the new Criminal Code, in line with the National Constitution -what is called the criminal program of the Constitution-, restructured the bases of Criminal Law towards a model with a guarantor orientation, by virtue of which figures such as the criminal law and the criminal law of the State, as well as the criminal law of the State, have been applied. In fact, the new Criminal Code, in line with the National Constitution -what is called the criminal program of the Constitution-, restructured the bases of Criminal Law towards a model of guarantee orientation, by virtue of which figures such as the criminal law of the author or causality as the sole criterion of imputation of the punishable conduct, discordant with the purposes of the Rule of Law, were banned from the system. However, the Code of Criminal Procedure -in articulo mortis-, a statute of an inquisitorial nature, essentially due to the conception of an omnipotent judge in charge of certain functions of investigation and accusation, gave rise to a procedure not at all different from the one used against heretics in the times of Columbus.
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