Ambos, K. (2014), 4ª. ed., International Criminal Law. Munich, C.H. Beck.
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How to Cite

Zuluaga Taborda, J. E. (2015). Ambos, K. (2014), 4ª. ed., International Criminal Law. Munich, C.H. Beck. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (13), 260–262.


The Handbook of International Criminal Law (IPL) by RiLG Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Kai Ambos has reached its 4th edition eight years after its first publication in 2006 in the Juristische Kurz- Lehrbücher series of the renowned C.H. Beck publishing house.1 This demonstrates the importance of the work, which in a short period of time has established itself as the German-language standard work on IPL.2 As with the previous editions, the present edition covers IPL in the broad sense, i.e. not only IPL in the strict sense, but also competition rules and European criminal law, including European criminal law, including the European criminal law. As in the previous versions, the present edition covers IPR in the broad sense, i.e. not only IPR in the strict sense, but also competition rules and European criminal law, including European cooperation law and the judicial guarantees of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The 4th edition has been thoroughly and extensively updated and revised in each of its parts, fully reflecting the current state of IPR. In this new edition, the parts relating to IPR and European criminal law have been expanded. In addition, there is an analysis of the first trial of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and various references to the criminal procedure guided by the German IPR code, the increasing differentiation and expansion of the human rights system in Europe and the progressive institutionalization of European criminal law, especially in the field of judicial cooperation and the planned European Public Prosecutor's Office.
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