Colombian intelligence law in international perspective
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La ley de inteligencia colombiana en perspectiva internacional (Español (España))


Intelligence Law
intelligence services
classified information
declassification of information

How to Cite

González Cussac, J. L. (2016). Colombian intelligence law in international perspective. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (15), 11–32.


The article analyzes the framework that Law 1621 of 2013 sets for intelligence activities. The regulation of this matter is welcome, as it allows citizens to know when and under what conditions their rights may be restricted, while vindicating the principle of the rule of law, as it sets limits to state action and its intelligence services. However, the law deals with a particularly sensitive activity to which the reserved nature is connatural and which may seriously compromise the rights of individuals; therefore, it is necessary to carefully review the aforementioned regulations to identify some of its problems and advance possible solutions, without ignoring the experience -and developments- in other latitudes on the matter.
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