Judge and party
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How to Cite

Calderón Bareño, J. S., & Jiménez M., F. G. (2016). Judge and party: on the private knowledge of the judge and its use to support the judicial decision. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (15), 141–173. https://doi.org/10.22518/20271743.579


The purpose of this ruling is to decide the appeal filed by the defense attorneys against the sentence of May 6, 2015, by which the 23rd Municipal Criminal Court with knowledge function of this capital city, sentenced physicians JPVB, JGLF and HRM, to the principal penalty of nineteen (19) months and six (6) days of imprisonment and a fine of six point six hundred and sixty-six (6,666) monthly minimum wages, upon finding them criminally responsible for the crime of culpable personal injury. The initial project, presented by Judge Hermes Darío Lara, was defeated and therefore the decision contained herein corresponds to the criterion of the majority chamber.

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