The Patrimonial Responsibility Subsidiary of the State in the Criminal Proceeding and the third Civil Party

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Civilly liable third party
subsidiary civil liability of the State, public servants
criminal proceeding
crimes committed by agents of the agents of the State

How to Cite

Botache Díaz, N. (2017). The Patrimonial Responsibility Subsidiary of the State in the Criminal Proceeding and the third Civil Party. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (18), 95–119.


This paper analyzes whether if the third party civil in the criminal proceeding is the ideal mechanism to guarantee the victims' right to reparation in the proceedings for crimes committed by agents of the State in the exercise of public functions or positions, in the context of the legal systems of Colombia and Spain outside the mechanisms of judicial control, like the action of direct reparation that establishes the jurisdiction of the administrative contentious. The article determines that, although the appropriate procedural figure for the State's involvement in these criminal proceedings is the third civilly responsible, like the author of this academic article defend, in the Colombian legal system that institution cannot be applied. In the end, a proposal is made on the matter.


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