Elbert, C. (2017). Franz von Liszt: theory and practice in criminal politics (1899-1919). Buenos Aires: Prosa y poesía American Editores, 516 pp.
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How to Cite

Elbert, C. (2017). Franz von Liszt: theory and practice in criminal politics (1899-1919). Buenos Aires: Prosa y poesía American Editores, 516 pp. (2011). Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, 19, 197-204. https://doi.org/10.22518/jour.cdp/201819ID2686


Latin American penalism and criminology are due an investigation into the political thought of Franz von Liszt, knowledge of which helps to dispel the many doubts raised about the character of his penal theories (cf. the opinions of Wolfgang Naucke, Francisco Muñoz Conde and Thomas Vormbaum, in the works cited by Elbert).

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