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How to Cite

Velasquez, F. V. (2010). Presentation. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (3), 5–7.


In the midst of the heated political and legal environment experienced by the country over the last few weeks, a fact stands out that should call the attention of all Colombians: the Criminal Cassation Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, with some dissents and clarifications of vote, after giving the paragraph of Article 235 of the Constitution unusual, inadmissible and extremely controversial scope, decided to "reassume" the competence to judge the so-called "parapoliticians" under certain conditions. Of course, without prejudice to the fact that the facts attributed to these persons deserve criminal reproach on condition, of course, that their conducts are covered by the meshes of the criminal law and their participation in them is proven -not presumed-, it is striking the way in which the principles of the principles of criminal law have been violated. the way in which the principles that -as limits to the exercise of ius puniendi- have been violated. ius puniendi - contemplated by the Constitution and the criminal law, with respect to the to the administration of justice in these events.
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