Díaz y García Conlledo, Miguel: The error on normative elements of the criminal type, 1st edition for Colombia, Bogotá, Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2012.
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How to Cite

Bermúdez, C. A. G. (2012). Díaz y García Conlledo, Miguel: The error on normative elements of the criminal type, 1st edition for Colombia, Bogotá, Editorial Universidad del Rosario, 2012. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (7), 121–129. https://doi.org/10.22518/20271743.406


Four years after its appearance in Spain1 , this work by Professor of the Professor of the University of León, who had already published another of his texts here in 20092. published here in 2009 another of his texts2. On this occasion, the author author, after noting that his text corresponds to the original, points out that he maintains his fundamental opinions "except for some that he maintains his fundamental opinions "except for some nuances". the fact that he has not been able to make a specific study on Colombian criminal law does not affect his Colombian criminal law does not affect the proposed dogmatic nucleus, which, in any case which, in any case, serves "perfectly to illustrate the central points of our internal discussion". of our internal discussion"; moreover, in view of the recent appearance of the work of Professor appearance of the work of Professor Yamila Fakhouri Gómez, entitled "El objeto de dolo en el Derecho Penal "The Object of Malice in Criminal Law "3 , Professor Díaz y García Conlledo takes advantage of its Conlledo takes advantage of his prologue to point out that although she does not address the same issues, "there are many the same issues, "there are many important issues that both deal with" and "many both" and "many coincidences between the two works", but with a "fundamental difference, which is the but with a "fundamental difference, which naturally tinges much of the rest". much of the rest.

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