Gómez, J. (2015). The foundations of the adversarial system of criminal prosecution. (Strengths and weaknesses of the Accusatory Criminal Process with Oral and Public Trial. Its interpretation in Latin America, with special reference to Colombia). Bogotá: Edici
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How to Cite

Muñetones Rozo, I. B. (2016). Gómez, J. (2015). The foundations of the adversarial system of criminal prosecution. (Strengths and weaknesses of the Accusatory Criminal Process with Oral and Public Trial. Its interpretation in Latin America, with special reference to Colombia). Bogotá: Edici. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (15), 180–181. https://doi.org/10.22518/20271743.582


The text under review, authored by the renowned Spanish professor, Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. Juan-Luis Gómez Colomer -which is prefaced by Professor Fernando Velásquez Velásquez to whom it is also dedicated- is, as he himself indicates, an introductory 'manual' to North American criminal procedural law. It is an edition prepared for the Latin American context and, in particular, for Colombia, which brings together three previous research studies: two of them under the coordination of the author and the third, of his exclusive authorship. The text presents a simple but no less profound explanation of the constitutional bases of the U.S. federal criminal system and its operation, based on the analysis of some of the most important cases decided by the courts, particularly by the U.S. Federal Supreme Court.

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