About the Journal

The Foro Cubano Journal (RFC) was created in the year 2020 with the purpose of disseminating research papers on politics, economy, culture, and Cuban society every six months.  It is an international scientific publication arbitrated in its digital version -ISSN: 2711-1695- (En línea). Articles and/or research papers are selected through the methodology of "double-blind" that seeks to maintain the anonymity of the evaluators and authors at the time of being selected.


Approach and Scope

The Foro Cubano Journal of Sergio Arboleda University is an international scientific publication reviewed with the blind peers method in a digital version. It publishes original research papers every semester (January-June and July- December), in the field of the social sciences that involve the economic, political, and social situation lived in the island country.  Its objective is to facilitate the diffusion of scientific knowledge developed in the Academy and in other scientific organizations on a national and international level and to encourage the visibility and impact of Latinamerican research. A self-assessment policy is a continuous improvement in the editorial process.