Objective of the journal
The main objective of Vis Iuris is to publish and disseminate unpublished and original research written in Spanish and English to help understand what is happening in Latin America, the Caribbean or other places in the world where research is carried out that impact the region.
Target audience of the journal
Vís Iuris is aimed at jurists, researchers, professors, professionals and students of national and international origin who wish to publish research related to administrative law, criminal law, public law, constitutional law and criminal policy, labor law, philosophy of law, ethics of jurist, family law, legal sociology, civil liability, history of legal systems, tax law, politics and those issues that are consistent with the science of law.
Periodicity and diffusion
The Vis Iuris Journal, attached to the Sergio Arboleda University, is published every six months (January - June and July - December); publishing each edition, the first days of the beginning of the corresponding period. Its circulation is international.
Style of citations and references
Vis Iuris, strives to defend copyright, which is why all citations must be correctly referenced in the text following the guidelines outlined in its Guide for authors that is based on APA Standards sixth edition.