Guide for authors

Vis Iuris (ISSN print 2389-8364) is a twice-yearly publication created by the initiative of the Joaquín Aaron Manjarrés research group, attached to the Law School of the Sergio Arboleda University - Santa Marta section. Its first edition was published in 2014, at which time it has undertaken to present to the scientific community research of national and international impact related to Law.

 Vís Iuris is aimed at jurists, researchers, professors, professionals and students of national and international origin who wish to publish research related to administrative law, criminal law, public law, constitutional law and criminal policy, labor law, philosophy of law, legal ethics , family law, legal sociology, civil liability, history of legal systems, tax law, politics and those issues that are consistent with the science of law. Its main objective is to publish and disseminate unpublished and original research written in Spanish and English that helps to understand what is happening in Latin America, the Caribbean in other parts of the world where research is carried out that impact the region.


Vis Iuris receives articles permanently, which must be accompanied by the letter of presentation and assignment of rights of articles, which may be requested from the magazine or downloaded from the portal. The shipping address of your contributions is as follows:, alternatively you can also use the web platform of the magazine, where you must initially register, and then send it to the following address: http : //

It is necessary to clarify that the presentation and publication in the journal, does not generate any cost for the authors, in addition everything that is published there is the exclusive responsibility of the author and not of the Editor, Research Group, School, Sergio Arboleda University, or any dependency related to the latter. Vis Iuris reserves the right of admission and editing of submitted manuscripts, since any contribution is subject to initial review by the Editorial Committee and its sending does not imply immediate acceptance or obligation of Vis Iuris to be published.


The journal Vis Iuris publishes six types of articles, which are based on the Guide Document Permanent Service of Indexing of Colombian Science, Technology and Innovation Journals by Colciencias Publindex.

  • Research article: document that presents, in a detailed manner, the original results of completed research projects. The structure generally used contains the following important sections: title, abstract, abstract, keywords, Keywords, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions (optional) and bibliographical references. Its maximum length is 8,000 words, at least 20 references, and between tables and figures should not be more than ten.
  • Reflection article: document that presents results of research completed from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources. Its structure is as follows: title, summary, abstract, keywords, keywords, introduction, methodology (may vary its name or not), results, discussion (can be united or only one) conclusions (optional) and bibliographical references. Its maximum length is 7,000 words and at least 15 references.
  • Review article: document resulting from a completed research where the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in a field of science or technology, in order to account for the advances and development trends. It is structured as follows: title, summary, keywords, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions (optional) and bibliographical references. Its maximum length is 9,000 words and is characterized by a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
  • Letters to the editor: critical, analytical or interpretative positions on the documents published in the journal, which in the opinion of the Editorial Committee constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the topic by the scientific community of reference. Its extension should not exceed 2,000 words.
  • Editorial: document written by the Editor, a member of the Editorial Committee or a guest researcher on guidelines in the thematic domain of the journal. Maximum 2,000 words.
  • Review or legal review: precise summary on books or legal text recently published. You can expose a constructive evaluation or criticism, which can be positive or negative. Its maximum length is 1,500 words. 


 It is necessary that before submitting the manuscript to Vis Iuris the following guidelines are met:

Manuscript written in Word format, Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing of 1.5 and margins 2 cm on all sides. The explanations at the foot of the page are written in the same type of letter, although its size is ten and one line spacing.

The sections that make up the manuscript are presented below:

  • Title: it must be brief, clear and precise at the time of writing, highlighting the most relevant aspects of the research, which allows its easy indexing and recovery. Abbreviations should be avoided, terms such as research on ..., study, formulas, among others. It is recommended to use terms from thesauri; Its maximum length is 15 words and is also written in English.
  • abstract: Short text that ranges between 150 and 200 words, which must be written in a single paragraph, although it presents implicitly (without subtitles) a part of the introduction, general objective, methodology, result and conclusions. Do not expose critical interpretations, bibliographic citations or refer to any graphic element of the manuscript. It is recommended that terms be used that serve for indexing and is also written in Spanish (Resumen). 
  • Key words: used for indexing the manuscript. Three to six words are recommended, which must be separated by a semicolon. They are also presented in Spanish under the heading palabras claves.
  • Introduction: section of the manuscript that informs about the state of the art of the subject to treat the problem, the justification and the objectives thereof, which are preferably located in the last paragraph. It is recommended that you go from the general to the particular in your writing; in it, a bibliography that evidences the importance of the study is exposed.
  • Methodology: Here we describe how the research was carried out, that is, the design and methods used to achieve the research objectives are explained in detail. It is necessary that no detail be excluded in order that the work can be replicated at another time. Vis Iuris admits works of a quantitative, qualitative or mixed type; its wording is past and impersonal.
  • Results: section where the information obtained through the data collection that has been carried out with the investigation is known; its wording is recommended to be presented from the general to the particular, meeting the objectives one by one. Here we present the most relevant data.
  • Discussion: Here, the results obtained are related to what was already known, as well as possible agreements or conflicts with other publications that dealt with the same or related studies. This part can go in the same previous section, under the heading Results and Discussion. 
  • Conclusions: section reserved to present the essentials of the research, through a duly organized reflection on the foundations addressed. It is imperative to be brief and clear, and where possible, the use of citations in this item should be avoided.
  • References: here all references cited in the body of the manuscript are placed; remember that your number may vary according to the type of it, for this we recommend you see section two. These should be structured according to the APA Standards sixth edition.

Below are some examples of how references should be structured: 

  • Book

Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. Place of publication: Editorial.

Latorre, E. L. (2015). Litigio Estructural y Experimentalismo Jurídico: Análisis Sociojurídico a los Cambios Generados Por la Sentencia T-025 en la Población Desplazada. Santa Marta, Colombia: Fondo de Publicaciones de la Universidad Sergio Arboleda.

  • Book in electronic version

Surname, A. A. (Year). Title. Retrieved from http: //www.example.123

Latorre, E. L. (2015). Litigio Estructural y Experimentalismo Jurídico: Análisis Sociojurídico a los Cambios Generados Por la Sentencia T-025 en la Población Desplazada. Retrieved from

  • Chapter of a book

Surname, A. A., and Surname, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter or the entry. In A. A. Surname. (Ed.), Title of the book (pp. ## - ##). City, Country: Editorial.

Latorre, E. L. (2016). La responsabilidad social empresarial: aproximaciones teóricas a un concepto dinámico. En A. Q. Valero (Eds.), Caracterización de experiencias exitosas de negocios inclusivos en Colombia (pp. 25 – 41). Santa Marta, Colombia: Fondo de Publicaciones de la Universidad Sergio Arboleda

  • Scientific article

Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., and Surname, C. C. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp.

Latorre, E. L., Díaz Areiza, C. C. y Plata Rangel, A. M. (2015). Caracterización de dos experiencias exitosas de negocios inclusivos en Colombia. Civilizar, 15(27), 197-202.

  • Article with Doi

Surname, A. A., Surname, B. B., and Surnames, C. C. (Date). Article title. Name of the journal, volume (number), pp-pp. doi: 00.00000000

Latorre, E. L., Díaz Areiza, C. C. y Plata Rangel, A. M. (2015). Caracterización de dos experiencias exitosas de negocios inclusivos en Colombia. Civilizar, 15(27), 197-202. Doi: 10.22518/16578953.288

  • Corporate author or government report

Organization name's. (Year). Title of the report (Publication number). Retrieved from http: //www.example.123

Ministerio de la Protección Social. (1994). Informe científico de casos de fiebre amarilla en el departamento del Meta. Recuperado de

  • Tesis y trabajos de grado

Author, A. and Author, A. (Year). Title of the thesis (Undergraduate, master's or doctoral thesis). Name of the institution, Place.

López, A. y Sinisterra, J. (2015). Identificación de Costumbre Mercantil en el sector bancario de la ciudad de Santa Marta (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Santa Marta, Colombia.

  • Law

Author (year). Title or name of the law. Place: responsible entity.

Congreso de la República de Colombia (2006). Ley 1090 del 6 de septiembre de 2006 por la cual se reglamenta el ejercicio profesional psicológico, se dicta el código deontológico y bioético. Bogotá D.C.: Congreso de la República de Colombia.

  • Resolution

Author (year). Title or name of the resolution. Place: responsible entity.

Ministerio de la Protección Social de Colombia (2008). Resolución 2646 de 2008 por la cual se reglamenta el ejercicio profesional psicológico, se dicta el código deontológico y bioético. Bogotá D.C.: Ministerio de la Protección Social de Colombia.

  • Publications with eight or more authors

The first six authors are listed, ellipses are added and the last author is listed.


Vis Iuris, as for references, uses the APA Rules sixth edition for its citations.

  • Regulations according to the number of authors


When they are from three to five authors, the first time they are mentioned, the surnames of all are indicated. Subsequently, only the first is cited and et al is added, followed by period (et al.).

Ejemplo: Latorre, Castro y Calvo (2015) sostienen que el cambio climático está dado por (…). Latorre et al. (2015) mencionan que (…)

When there are six or more authors the last name of the first is cited followed by et al. from the first citation.


The first time an abbreviation or acronym is used, it should be placed in parentheses and in capital letters followed by its full name; from the second time on, only the acronym can be used.

Numbers from zero to nine are written in letters, except for those that indicate percentage, metric units, decimals or bullets. It is recommended that writing be given priority in letter or number depending on the case.

The decimal numbers must be separated with comma, the units of thousand with point, the percentage and metric units are linked to the number, this for the Spanish language, in English the previous premises are inverted.


  • Tables: they must be structured with horizontal and vertical lines, where the text (without a capital letter) of the first row or column will be placed in bold and centered if its function is that of a title. Likewise, the rest of the text in the table should be go aligned to the left without bold, or italic. The legend of the table is located in the upper part duly numbered and is followed consecutively for the other tables that appear in the document (example: Table 1, Table 2 ... So on), which without exception will have to be cited in the body of the manuscript. Remember that the format of the table must be in original format, that is, that it allows its editing and that its background be white. The source of the table must be indicated. The font and size should be Times New Roman.


Source: self made. - Source: own elaboration based on (...).

  • Figures: this item includes graphics, maps, illustrations, etc., it is recommended that its design be in Excel, without vertical or horizontal lines in its interior, it can be with colors, although without effects (in 2D); The legend is located in the lower part and is numbered in the order of appearance in the body of the manuscript from lowest to highest (Example: Figure 1, Figure 2 ... So on). As the tables will have to be cited; remember that the format of the figure must be in original format, that is, that it allows its edition and that its background be white. The font and size should be Times New Roman