Legal scope of the business obligation in the prevention of occupational risks in Colombia
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Occupational risks
legal scope
business obligation
regulatory configuration
application challenges

How to Cite

OROZCO MARTINEZ , J. D. . (2021). Legal scope of the business obligation in the prevention of occupational risks in Colombia. Vis Iuris. Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 8(15). Retrieved from


Determine the legal scope of the business obligation in the prevention of Occupational Risks (RL) in Colombia, obligation to develop a funnel dynamic; question that drives this scientific article to contain specifically, the historical and conceptual march of this topic around the world; subsequently landing in Colombia 2012-2019; period where the concrete actions for compliance with the provisions of the sets of rules for the administration of safety and health in the workplace, contained in the SG-SST and the policy on safety and health at work have involved challenges around to the materialization of the business duty to promote preventive measures of Occupational Risks and with this device of real mechanisms that can verify whether companies are effectively fulfilling their obligation to prevent these risks. Hence, analyzing the normative configuration and the current situational panorama in terms of occupational risks, we can understand the legal scope of this obligation for companies and its challenges in contemporary Colombia, an issue that constitutes the central axis of this scientific article.

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