Interview to Professor Nodier Agudelo Betancur
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How to Cite

Muñetones Rozo, I. B. (2015). Interview to Professor Nodier Agudelo Betancur. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (13), 269–288.


Master Nódier Agudelo Betancur, is a renowned Colombian lawyer, graduated from the University of Antioquia, with studies at the Institute of Criminology of the University of Paris and Germany, in the latter he was a student of Hans Welzel, thanks to a scholarship from the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

He has written a large number of books, among which stand out his works on unimputability, his analysis of the liberal and positivist school, and his renowned work Esquemas del Delito, which is the best-selling criminal law book in Colombia, and has recently published two works: 'El trastorno mental transitorio sin base patológica' and 'El garantismo carrariano' . To this are added a huge number of articles and chapters in books of collective works.

In 2013 several Colombian universities, including the Universidad de los Andes, Pontifica Bolivariana, Sergio Arboleda and EAFIT published a two-volume work entitled Derecho penal y crítica al poder punitivo del Estado (Criminal Law and Critique of the Punitive Power of the State), as a tribute to this master of criminal law.

He is currently a professor at the Universidad Externado de Colombia and is an honorary member of the Colegio de Abogados Penalistas de Colombia, an institution to which he dedicated his latest work on Carraro's guarantee system.
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