Lenis, Karin (2014). The system of juvenile criminal responsibility. A study of the legislations of Spain and Colombia from the theory of the Criminal Law of the Enemy.
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How to Cite

Muñetones Rozo, I. B. (2015). Lenis, Karin (2014). The system of juvenile criminal responsibility. A study of the legislations of Spain and Colombia from the theory of the Criminal Law of the Enemy. Cuadernos De Derecho Penal, (14), 192–193. https://doi.org/10.22518/20271743.525


By examining the prologue and the introductory section, the reader can get an idea of the depth and value of the text, but it is after reading it that the transcendence and richness offered by the work is understood, highlighting the research rigor that fully justifies the review presented here. The book, which was co-published by the Universidad de los Andes, emanates from the doctoral thesis developed by Dr. Lenis Sanín, within the Doctorate program she developed at the University of Seville, where, as highlighted by its prologuists, it was valued with the highest academic qualification and honorable mention cum laude unanimously.

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