Chilean Awakening: Chronicle of a Social Transformation


  • Scarlet Gutierrez Zuleta Sergio Arboleda University


In October 2019, Chile witnessed an unprecedented phenomenon in its recent history: a wave of mass protests that shook the South American country. These protests, originated by the increase in subway fares in Santiago, soon turned into a widespread outcry against social and economic inequality, as well as against the neoliberal model that has dominated Chilean politics since the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, the social outburst exposed underlying problems in Chilean society, such as the low quality of the pension system, poor public education and ineffective health care. In addition, distrust in political institutions and corruption were exposed. The demonstrations, which in many cases resulted in violent clashes and vandalism, also put the role of the security forces and the state's response at the center of the debate. This essay will explore and analyze the development, causes and implications of the protests in Chile.


