Women who dream of a country' between the lines


  • Manuela Navarro Sergio Arboleda University
  • Santiago Candia Sergio Arboleda University


The following text is based on the documentary film Mujeres que sueñan un país directed by Fernando Fosado, which shows the experience of three women activists fighting for freedom and the guarantee of Human Rights in Cuba. This film exposes what women must go through in order to change the authoritarian context in which they find themselves. With this in mind, this film portrays women as a symbol of resistance and courage. This documentary makes us reflect on the dimension that women activists have in contexts of political oppression as in the Cuban case; in this documentary the cases of Daniela Rojo, Katherine Bisquet and Amely Rojas are presented, reflecting their struggle and life in order to denounce the systematic violation of human rights on the island. Throughout this text we will seek to explore different cases, where women have been a symbol of resistance and have a great capacity to lead movements that have managed to change the reality within these authoritarian contexts.


