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scientific method
social Sciences

How to Cite

Latorre Iglesias, E. (2018). Editorial. Vis Iuris. Journal of Law and Social Sciences, 9–7. Retrieved from https://revistas.usergioarboleda.edu.co/index.php/visiuris/article/view/1433


One of the greatest conquests of modernity is the collective construction of knowledge, which it gave to controlled societies that will allow them to affirm or deny reality. These parameters are the basis of scientific thinking and serve as a vital axis to model the way we approach the world of life. As Habermas states, the problem arises when we overlap the dimensions that allow explaining the world of nature external to the subject. In his classic book The logic of social sciences, this philosopher manages to split the two classic ways of performing interpretations of the social world and of predicting the current problem of the contemporary world: post-truth.

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