Prior consultation and the risks of its virtualization for indigenous peoples in Peru

Palabras clave

prior consultation
indigenous people
digital divide

Cómo citar

Vargas-Murillo , A. R. ., Pari-Bedoya, I. N. M. de la A., Mamani-Huanca, D. Y., & Guevara-Soto, F. de J. (2023). Prior consultation and the risks of its virtualization for indigenous peoples in Peru. Civilizar, 23(44), e20230109.




The objective of this article is to analyze the situation of the regulation of prior consultation in Peru, paying particular attention to the guarantee of the right to prior consultation during the State of emergency through the proposal of virtual prior consultation. To do this, we will analyze the recent scientific literature on prior consultation in Peru, the relevant regulations at the national and international level, as well as pronouncements from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on the proposal for virtual prior consultation. The article concludes that, in the case of virtual prior consultation, the IACHR's recommendations are clear in noting that, given the structural flaws, which include the existing digital divide in indigenous peoples, this measure would not make it possible to carry out a prior consultation that guarantees full participation, the formation of a free and informed will, as well as - considering the institutional deficiencies and disincentives noted with respect to the standard prior consultation-, if carried out, would exacerbate the existing disadvantage among indigenous peoples in the face of to the state.


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