Marital experiences in the empty-nest stage: marital satisfaction and dissatisfaction
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Empty nest
marital satisfaction
marital dissatisfaction

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Marital experiences in the empty-nest stage: marital satisfaction and dissatisfaction. (2023). Civilizar, 23(44), e20230102.


Couples at the beginning of their marital relationship experience high levels of satisfaction; however, due to the dedication required for raising children and professional occupations, this can take a back seat, leading to a decline in satisfaction over the years. This study aimed to analyze the experiences of marital satisfaction during the empty-nest stage among Colombian couples. Initially, a quantitative methodology was used, followed by a second qualitative phase with a phenomenological tradition, employing dialogic, participatory, and contextualized strategies. A total of 17 participants were involved: 9 women and 8 men. The results describe the discursive orders regarding how some marriages reach this stage with high or low levels of marital satisfaction. Both satisfied and dissatisfied individuals rarely express affection and admiration verbally, generally doing so through actions; dissatisfied men wish their wives would seek their attention, but their wives do not, and they believe their children were the focus of their aspirations, making it seem pointless to continue together. Dissatisfied women see the empty nest as an opportunity to focus on themselves, now that the children are no longer present, and believe that both partners must "win" in an argument. Satisfied men and women have, over the years, learned to calm themselves during conflicts, and in this stage, they are more accepting of their wives' influence. The study concludes that this stage of the life cycle entails several adjustments and learnings in marital relationships. In satisfied couples, there is a predominant sense of valuing and caring for each other more, as they face this new experience alone together. In dissatisfied couples, the sense of being together remains important, though without a clear purpose, and they acknowledge having focused their marital life around their children, finding it challenging to reconnect as a couple during this stage. These findings offer a reflection on the marital experiences of men and women after many years of marriage, with the aim of guiding preventive actions that contribute to relationship stability in the Latin American context.

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