This article presents a methodological proposal to develop a Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) focused on waste pickers in the city of Cuenca-Ecuador, in order to contribute to the implementation of social protection programs and policies to counteract the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. For this objective, the definition of vulnerability is reviewed from different approaches and as a structural and multidimensional problem, emphasizing four aspects: labor precariousness, inequitable access to social services, union and organizational weakening, and deepening of the informal economy. Thus, social vulnerability and labor vulnerability are assumed as cross-cutting concepts, which allow defining waste pickers as a vulnerable group as a result of their socioeconomic conditions that determine their prioritization in public policy, with a view to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The methodology used is of a mixed nature, including a critical review of specialized literature and the application of the analysis of proxy variables to formulate an equation that determines the level of social vulnerability by evaluating 14 criteria from four dimensions: personal, family, productive and organizational. Likewise, the processing of the official information available up to June 2020 responds to a positive discrimination in favor of 258 recyclers registered by the Empresa Municipal de Aseo de Cuenca. In conclusion, it is possible to establish that the level of vulnerability of these recyclers is HIGH, a situation that requires effective action by the responsible institutions. In this sense, this work provides an original methodological instrument to design multidimensional public policies in favor of social groups with high social vulnerability.
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