The purpose of this research was to analyze the relationship between supervision or monitoring, empathy, and aggressive behavior - verbal and physical - in-school adolescents in Bogotá. The study is a cross-sectional correlational descriptive type.
The sample consisted of 324 adolescents attending school in the city of Bogotá. 158 female adolescents (48.76%) and 166 males (51.24%), aged between 11 and 18 years.
The results showed that the disclosure or spontaneous communication of adolescent activities towards the mother is inversely related to aggressive behavior, specifically physical aggression in male adolescents. Likewise, it was found that empathy is the predictor variable with the greatest weight in the appearance of physical aggression in male adolescents; while the independent variables: father's open communication, father's parental control, and empathy manage to explain 24.6% of the variability of verbal aggression in female adolescents.
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