Uniformity in the Granting of Trademark Registration: Need for a precedent based system ?
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Superintendence of Industry and Commerce

How to Cite

Uniformity in the Granting of Trademark Registration: Need for a precedent based system ?. (2022). Civilizar, 22(43), e20220205. https://doi.org/10.22518/jour.ccsh/20220205


The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), as the bureau in charge of managing the industrial property system, is the only competent in Colombia to grant trademark registrations. Although its work has achieve the development of a fast, modern, and online trademark registration procedure, this paper seeks to show that there is a failure within the procedure of trademark registration due to the lack of a system that guarantees uniformity in the decisions. This way, this paper analyzes the creation of a system of administrative precedents on the matter.

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