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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The text complies with all formal and structural aspects of the manuscript, as indicated in the Guidelines for Authors.
  • The information document on authorship and presentation of the article has been prepared for uploading as a complementary file.
  • All the authors of the article have read, filled in and signed the Statement of Originality and Cession of Rights.
  • All the authors of the article have read, filled in and signed the Conflicts of Interest Statement.
  • The article has not previously been published and has not been simultaneously submitted for publication to any other editorial body (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor).
  • The file to submit is in Word format
  • The authors guarantee the anonymity of the manuscript and have cleaned the properties of the document and the personal information. Ask us how to do it
  • The authors guarantee the possibility to send the editable or original figures and to provide photographic elements and images in the highest resolution.
  • The author assures the veracity of the citations and references, the coincidence between the references and the citations included within the text, and the inclusion of the DOI of the references (with its active link, if any). Complying with APA 6th Ed.
  • Suggest five potential expert reviewers in the thematic area of the manuscript. This does not imply any kind of commitment on the part of the Journal.
  • The authors transfer the patrimonial rights over the manuscript submitted to Revista Civilizar. This does not generate any payment, disbursement, or economic compensation from Revista Civilizar to the authors.

Author Guidelines

Authors should take these observations into account:

  • All articles submitted for publication must be original and unpublished. Submitting an article to the Journal's editorial process does not imply its publication.
  • The article submitted to the Journal should NOT be postulated for publication simultaneously in other journals.
  • The author must submit the declaration of originality and cession of rights, and the conflict of interest statement.
  • The Editorial Committee of the journal Civilizar has the discretion to accept or reject in the first instance the manuscripts postulated according to the fulfilment of the formal aspects of presentation established in our guide for authors.
  • Review the complete guide for authors in the Journal's OJS



Artículos de investigación: presentan de manera detallada, los resultados originales derivados de proyectos terminados de investigación. La estructura generalmente utilizada contiene cuatro apartes fundamentales: introducción, metodología, resultados y conclusiones.


Review articles. Is a text which systematizes and analyzes published or unpublished research results on a field of knowledge.

Reflection articles

Reflection articles. This document resorts to original sources and relates results of finished research work on a particular subject and are written from the author's analytical, interpretative, or critical point of view.

High-impact articles translated

High-impact articles translated into other languages (Spanish, French).

Sp. Issue: "Trasatlantic migrations"

This special issue "Transatlantic Migrations in the Contemporary Era" welcomes contributions about:
Exile and refugees
Economic migration
Reception process
Transatlantic migrations

Ed. Esp: "Realidades emergentes"


  1. Cambios a nivel microsocial en las relaciones interpersonales.
  2. Las cuestiones medioambientales en relación con la sociedad.
  3. Nuevos aspectos de la seguridad en las sociedades contemporáneas.
  4. La sensibilidad artística como producto y motor del cambio social.
  5. Los nuevos cambios y la percepción social.
  6. La Tecnología y Nuevas realidades de Inteligencia Artificial.
  7. Nuevas formas de consumo social

Privacy Statement

The journal Civilizar follows the general provisions of Habeas Data contained in Statutory Law 1266 of 2008, regarding the handling of information contained in personal databases. Names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by the Journal and will not be available for any other purpose or person