Historical transit of pornography
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sexually explicit material

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Varnet Pérez, T., & Cartes-Velásquez, R. (2021). Historical transit of pornography: transformations to the age of the internet. Civilizar, 21(41), 81–92. https://doi.org/10.22518/jour.ccsh/2021.2a07




Internet pornography is an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of mankind. The present article seeks to exhibit a theoretical-historical review that accounts for the cultural and socio-legal transformations that allowed its conformation, while highlighting the distinctive features that separate it  qualitatively from other similar forms of eroticizing material. In a dialectical movement characterized initially by sexuality and divinity’s merging, later by a dark era of censorship and oppression, and finally by a new liberation as commodity and entertainment in the information age, pornography undergoes vertiginous transformations far ahead the study of academia, particularly in the Latin American context.

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