An approach to Colombia’s development from the perspective of the Financial Inclusion Law
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Financial inclusion
social exclusion
Colombian financial inclusion policy social and economic development

How to Cite

Huertas Ramos, J. D., & Sánchez Bogotá, D. A. (2021). An approach to Colombia’s development from the perspective of the Financial Inclusion Law. Civilizar, 21(41), 57–68.




This paper brings an approximation to Colombia’s development process through the analysis of Law nº 1735 of 2014, which is known as “Law of Financial Inclusion”. Methodologically, this work follows a qualitative approach, applying the techniques of documental research and the review of primary sources, such as the Act 1735/14 and its statement of reasons. This study is relevant because economic literature has shown that financial inclusion is vital to development processes. Therefore, the main objective of this research paper is to analyze the content of the Financial Inclusion Law of Colombia. Findings show that there are some similar legislative initiatives in the Latin America region (Peru and Uruguay). The main conclusion is that the Act 1735/2014 is not just about financial inclusion process, since this seems as an exclusive rule about a new economic player in Colombia whose name is Specialist Electronic Payment and Deposit Companies.
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