The integration of video games to academic and work strategies has set the standard for studying the teaching-learning processes in a different and more detailed way, a panorama that allows us to glimpse other relevant aspects that make up the processing of the information and subsequent behavior of a video gamer. The objective of this study is to show that the use of a video game, such as eracing (or simracing), can help improve cognitive processes and strengthen more conscious social behaviors. For this purpose, a quasi-experimental methodology was implemented, based on a pretest and posttest, with the participation of eight gamers. The evolution of cognitive processes and social awareness were recorded with control sheets and field notes to verify the changes. The intervention was based on an eracing tournament with five races. The data analysis verified that there are significant differences between the pre-test and the post-test using the "Student's T". The results revealed statistically significant improvements in attention and social awareness variables with evidence of improvement reported by gamers. It was concluded that gamers endorse the sensation of changes with videogames of a genre such as eracing for learning, as well as important possibilities in improving social awareness.
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