The politicization of discontent
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Alfieri, J. (2023). The politicization of discontent: Some notes from León Rozitchner and Santiago López Petit . Civilizar, 23(44), e20230101.




This article intends to reclaim the theorization of philosophers León Rozitchner and Santiago López Petit around the issues of discontent and ailments generated by the capitalist mode of production among the subjects constituted under its logic. Grounded on the work of these authors, I will analyze some characteristic elements of what the Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman called “the passage from a solid to a liquid modernity,” paying special attention to the effects of said passage in contemporary modes of subjectivation. The purpose of the work is set within the search for some elements that stimulate the political imagination when facing and dealing with current ailments. In this sense, both the Argentinian and the Catalan philosopher will be theoretical inputs, not only for the description of the discomfort produced by the logic of capital, but also for the reverse of a possible praxis, that is, the politicization of discontent.
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