Return of the divine? Neopaganism as a form and manifestation of nihilism
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New Right
European crisis

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García Durán, A., & Saeteros, T. (2023). Return of the divine? Neopaganism as a form and manifestation of nihilism. Civilizar, 23(44), e20230108.




This article investigates the possible diagnosis of the present time as a neo-pagan era and, as such, the implications this would have for the christian identity of Europe. In front of the moral decline of western societies, the political movement promoted by the New Right seeks to rediscover the “true” root of the european identity before the “fateful” colonization of the continent by Christianity. Through the hermeneutical-classical method, the authors dialogue with interpreters of the past and present in order to show their conclusions about what would represent the new european identity if the advance of de-Christianization is allowed.
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