Portfolio use as an assessment tool in mathematics
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Caicedo Vera, I. A., & Gallardo, K. E. (2021). Portfolio use as an assessment tool in mathematics. Civilizar, 21(41), 69–80. https://doi.org/10.22518/jour.ccsh/2021.2a06




The aim of this study was to investigate the use of a portfolio as a performance evaluation instrument in an Ecuadorian educational institution that works under the competency-based educational model. The program  endorsed by the Ministry of Education for the mathematics course during the first year of upper secondary education was used as point of reference. The research was designed under the case study methodology integrating the mixed-method approach. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected and integrated into the analysis. A total of 22 students participated in the study. To estimate the usefulness of the portfolio as a performance evaluation tool, the researchers designed a rubric based on a learning taxonomy aimed at classifying thought processes. A questionnaire was also designed for data collection. The evidence contained in the portfolio of three students was analyzed in depth. Their evaluation results were compared. In addition, the perception of the students of the same grade and academic group regarding the use of portfolios was integrated into the analysis. The results allowed researchers to infer the usefulness of
the portfolio as an assessment instrument. Apparently, it is a convenient instrument to promote both the learning process, and the development of skills. Suggestions on possible future studies regarding the design and application of the portfolio in the classroom  are integrated.

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