Contributions of the Pedagogical Conception of Francisco Ruiz Sánchez for a Perfective Motivational Theory
La Revista científica Civilizar: Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (ISSN 1657-8953  e-ISSN: 2619-189X), es una revista científica internacional arbitrada bajo la modalidad de pares ciegos con versión digital e impresa. Publica trabajos de investigación originales de manera continua y semestral (enero-junio y julio-diciembre), en las áreas de Derecho, Política, Economía, Humanidades y Filosofía. También tiene por objetivo facilitar la difusión del conocimiento científico desarrollado en la academia y en otras instancias científicas a nivel nacional e internacional, para así incentivar la visibilidad e impacto de la investigación desarrollada principalment
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Dynamic fullness
perfective objects
value consciousness

How to Cite

Di-Marco, M. E., Portela, A. I., González, M. L., Boarini, M. G., & Difabio-de-Anglat, H. E. (2019). Contributions of the Pedagogical Conception of Francisco Ruiz Sánchez for a Perfective Motivational Theory. Civilizar, 19(36), 149–162.




The present work aimed to indicate some aspects for understanding motivation from the dynamic fullness, that is, from the very purpose of the educational event. This research analyzes human motivation during the learning process in the light of the anthropological thought of Francisco Ruiz Sánchez. Through a hermeneutical methodology of his published and unpublished writings, we detailed the three main elements of the educational, motivational process: a) the method used, b) the proposal of good objects, and c) the awareness of the value of the object. It is concluded that motivation constitutes a relational aspect within the framework of a process in which cognition or intellectual tendency towards an object of good knowledge intervenes. This object has also been presented sensitively and can be perceived as valuable by the learner.
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