Moral Rights’ Flexibilization by Andean Case Law
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Moral rights
Integrity right
Andean jurisprudence

How to Cite

Palacio Puerta, M., & Bernal Ramírez, E. J. (2020). Moral Rights’ Flexibilization by Andean Case Law. Civilizar, 20(38), 81–94.




Author’s moral rights under the Colombian legal system are protected as a fundamental right that seeks to protect the special connection between the author and their work. However, since moral rights are regulated under the Andean Law, it is the Andean Court of Justice’s jurisprudence the one to determine their scope of protection. In this way, this paper aims to argue that decision 47-IP-17 relaxed the threshold of protection of the moral right of integrity for certain types of works, having as an impact at the domestic sphere the need to revoke the decision of first instance in the Gabriel Antonio Calle case.
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