Development of emotional experiences in education
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Emotional Development

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Barrios-Tao, H. (2020). Development of emotional experiences in education: a contribution to humanistic training. Civilizar, 20(38), 119–136.




Strengthening socio-emotional skills is a challenge for the labor, political and educational spheres, and indicates a route to understand the development of emotional experiences, the purpose of emotional education. The objective was to determine principles and actions for understanding emotional episodes in education, which could contribute to a humanistic formation, in research results carried out by educators. The methodology corresponds to a selective narrative review. The inclusion criteria were determined by temporal aspects (2000-2018), publications (journals located in international systems and bases: Scopus, Science Direct, Ebsco, Proquest, Dialnet), typology (theoretical, revision or reflection studies; qualitative research or quantitative; research carried out by educators in the classroom). The results outline guiding principles such as the understanding of the educational act —as an emotional act, the consideration of the complexity and the multiple dimensions of emotions, as well as the attention to learning theories that contribute to emotional development. Both the principles and the actions found support the practices to understand emotional development in the educational field and could contribute to the human formation of educational actors.
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