Dating violence and cyber dating violence in the Mexican teenage couple
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dating violence
cyber dating violence

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González Ortega, J. L., Romero-Méndez, C. A., Rojas-Solís, J. L., & López Cortés, V. A. (2020). Dating violence and cyber dating violence in the Mexican teenage couple. Civilizar, 20(38), 65–80.




Dating violence through technological media and social networks has been shown to have a high frequency in the youth and adolescent population. It is a relatively new phenomenon whose existence has been classified as an extension of violence exercised face to face. Despite this, there is little research aimed at studying the relationship between the two phenomena. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the prevalence and association between cyber dating violence (online) and dating violence (offline). It involved 443 adolescents (231 women and 212 men), who answered the Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationship Inventory and the Cyber Dating Abuse Questionnaire. The results showed the two-way nature of cyber dating violence and dating violence, which could indicate their normalization. Among other data, it is highlighted that the greatest perpetration of emotional and physical violence is exercised by women, which would go against the conventional profiles of female victims and male offenders. However, it should be noted that sexual violence was mostly perpetrated by men, which is consistent with what has been found in various studies. Finally, a positive association was found between offline and online perpetration of violence in dating, which suggests that violent behaviors that are exercised face to face could be transferred to technological media and social networks.
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