Author guidelines


Permanent call for articles reception (See video guide)

General Guide for Sending and Submitting Originals

All authors must follow the following guidelines when submitting a manuscript to the journal.

Any article submitted for publication must be original or unpublished, except for translations of high-impact articles.

The article submitted to the Civilizar Ciencias Sociales y Humanas should NOT be postulated for publication simultaneously in other journals.

Authors must submit their manuscripts through the OJS (Open Journal System) of the journal:

A letter of demand for originality will be delivered, which must be signed and remitted by the authors. This can also be sent as a scanned file.

Format Requirements
Manuscripts may not exceed 8.000 words, including references. They should be typed using Times New Roman, size 12p, spaced at 1.5, and 3-cm margins on all four sides.  All in-text citations and references must be formatted according to the 6th edition Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).

The document must contain:

  • Title of the paper in Spanish and English
  • Authors’ names and affiliations
  • Name of the research project from which the writing comes and the entity that finances it
  • An abstract not exceeding 120 words and its corresponding English translation (abstract). Its structure should briefly contain the following information:
  1. A judgment about the study’s validity, reliability, or completeness.
  2. The overall purpose of the study.
  3. The basic design of the study, including the methods and the materials.
  4. Major findings or trends found as a result of the analysis.
  5. The usefulness and importance of the results.
  6. No recommendations, tables or references should be included.
  • At the end of the summary in Spanish and the abstract in English, a maximum of 6 keywords that give an account of the fundamental themes of the article. These words should be ordered from greater to lesser generality.
  • The body of a research article must contain:
  1. Introduction: an overview of the subject and the results achieved.
  2. Research problem and method: Presentation of the research problem and synthesis of the methodological approach; class or type of research; and processes, techniques and strategies used for the collection and analysis of information.
  3. Content: report the findings and the discussion; which is concerned with the interpretation and description of the significance of the results. 
  • The body of a reflection article must contain:
  1. Introduction: an overview of the subject matter, the various positions on the subject, the position of the author(s) and the purpose of the reflection.
  2. Reflection: to give coherence to the reflection, it can have subtitles.
  3. Conclusions: Reaffirms reflection, presents limitations and contribution to new research.
  • Tables, Charts, Figures, and Graphs should be embedded within the text in consecutive numerical order (not placed at the end of the manuscript), numbered and accompanied by its corresponding title and a source. The graphics must have the axes marked.
  • The images must be sent in JPG, TIFF format or in Photoshop (300 pixels).
  • The original files of tables and graphs should be sent in Excel or in PDF with very good resolution.


The full reference list shall appear at the end of the article. The list should be sorted alphabetically and follow APA style The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text.

Reference quotations in the text. The method of citing by the author (surname, date of publication) allows the reader to find the references in the list at the end of the article. When the surname is part of the narrative, only the year of publication of the article should be included in parentheses.

When citing a source that has multiple authors, follow these basic steps:

  • Two authors: always cite both authors' names in-text every time you reference them.
  • Three to five authors: provide all the authors' last names when you first refer to their document. For any subsequent references, only list the first author with the Latin abbreviation "et al." (without quotation marks).
  • Six or more authors: provide the last name of the first author with "et al." (without quotation marks) from the first citation to the last. 

In the case of multiple quotes, follow the general rule but separate the different sources with semicolons.

In the reference list, it is important to follow the formalities APA of the 6th edition. See