Association between parental practices and the aggressive behaviour of teenagers
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Withdrawal of affection
Power assertion
Parental rejection
Harsh discipline
Rule-breaking behaviour

How to Cite

Guevara-Marín, I. P., Diaz-Plata, A. M., Mondragón-Parada, W. J., & Ramos-Gasca, S. M. (2021). Association between parental practices and the aggressive behaviour of teenagers. Civilizar, 21(40), 73–82.




The purpose of this study was to identify and analyse the association between the externalised behaviour of teenagers (aggression and breaking of rules) and parental practices (withdrawal of affection, rough treatment, and parental rejection). The study was carried out using a quantitative research approach, with an explanatory cross-sectional descriptive scope. The sample was made up of 493 school adolescents between the ages of 12 and 19, of which 49,5% were female and 50, 5% male. The results showed that the greatest predictor of externalizing behaviour is parental rejection with 0.046%. Likewise, an association was found between withdrawals of affection and aggressive behaviour in adolescence.
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