Vol. 22 No. 42 (2022)
Revista Civilizar: Ciencias Sociales y Humanas

(enero - junio, 2022)
Editora: Diana Niño-Muñoz
La Revista Civilizar: Ciencias Sociales y Humanas es una publicación científica internacional arbitrada bajo la modalidad de pares ciegos con versión impresa y digital (ISSN 1657-8953  e-ISSN: 2619-189X). Publica trabajos de investigación originales de manera continua y semestral (enero-junio y julio-diciembre), en las áreas de derecho, política, economía, humanidades y filosofía. También tiene por objetivo facilitar la difusión del conocimiento científico desarrollado en la academia y en otras instancias científicas a nivel nacional e internacional.

Diana Niño-Muñoz
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Jenner Alonso Tobar Torres
Hardship theory during the pandemic: Is it a bridge between lex mercatoria and human rights
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María del Carmen Docal Millán, Victoria Eugenia Cabrera García, Rosa Elvira Mclean Chaves, Leidy Johana Quincosis Sanabria
Quarantine: Consumption experiences and coping strategies of insular and continental Colombian inhabitants
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Camila Abbondanzieri
Global governance of access to water and sanitation: An approach from the theory of Regime Complexes
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Verónica Lucía Cáceres
Drinking water supply in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, during the pandemic
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Miguel Ángel García García, Ana García-Varcárcel Muñoz-Repiso, Mayra Alejandra Arévalo Duarte
Digital Skills by Trainee Teachers: Dimensions and components for their development
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Michelle Andrea Calderón-Ortega, Camilo Alberto Cueto Calderón
Artificial Intelligence Evidence: A proposal for evidence production from the perspective of scientific expert opinion in Colombia
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Joanna Carolina Ramírez-Velásquez, Cesar Remigio Vega Abad, Martha Narcisa Villagómez
Advantages and disadvantages of teleworking in South America in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic
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Ivon Paola Guevara Marín, Tatiana Arango Diago, Katherine Paola Monroy Cano
Relationship between supervision or monitoring, empathy and aggressive behavior in school adolescents in Bogotá
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Omar Gerardo Martínez Roa
Racism and discrimination in Afro-descendant communities in the Colombian South Pacific region
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Johan Andrés Nieto Bravo, John Jairo Pérez-Vargas, Ciro Javier Moncada-Guzmán
Research in social and educational contexts from the perspective of narrative methods
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